Allerton Congregational Church

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Secretary Janet Muschamp (Mobile 07837 441784)


Inspirational Resources

5 March 2024

Every now and then I (Fred) warn folk about the dangers of false teaching and false teachers within the Church. Many of these folk are part of a loose collection of individuals, movements and congregations called the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). Recently I was at Hall Green Baptist Church’s evening service where the visiting speaker, Tony, made an excellent presentation on the dangers of the New Apostolic Reformation. If you want to know more about this and what to look out for I highly recommend watching his presentation below. The video is of the whole service, which you may want to watch anyway, but the presentation begins around the 21 minute mark if you want to skip to that.

The video link is:


Session 1 of the ‘Did God Really Say!’ Conference. Phil Johnson addresses the question of how today’s various ‘justices’ measure up to Biblical justice. Excellent talk exposing the wrong thinking behind much of today’s attempts at redefining justice.


How can we face the tragedies of this life? What should we do? Here’s a great, short and helpful video from Brian (BezelT3) pointing us towards the Cross of Jesus and repentance from our sin.

Why does Jesus’ resurrection matter so much? Here’s a great video exploring this essential question at the heart of our Christian faith with Brian (BezelT3 Youtube channel). Highly recommended viewing!

Here’s a beautiful modern hymn that helps us to think about the supper that Jesus shared with His disciples. ‘An upper room did our Lord prepare’ written by Fred Pratt Green.

Here’s a beautiful rendition of the great hymn ‘Here is love, vast as the ocean’ recorded at Kootenai Community Church. May this remind you of all that God in Jesus Christ has done for you at the cross.

What’s so unique about the Christian faith that sets us apart from other religions? Watch this brief video with Stephen Nichols to be reminded of the essentials of Christianity.

Can we trust the Bible? Pastor Chris Rosebrough answers this question in a really helpful and comprehensive way by focusing on Jesus.

One of the hottest topics concerning many in the world today is social justice. The question we might want to consider in relation to this is what should be our response to it as Christians? Here are a couple of different responses. Firstly here is an interesting perspective from Pastor John MacArthur, who was involved in the US civil rights movement back in the 1960s. We might sum up his approach as being social justice is NOT the Gospel.

An alternative view is that being promoted by the Yorkshire Baptist Association through its new project, ‘Just Like Jesus’, introduced by Regional Minister, Mary Taylor.


Here’s the first part of an interesting series of fairly short videos considering what Christians actually believe, and what the Bible has to say about various different issues. Mike Winger and Alisa Childers discuss a particular list of beliefs put forward by Ragamuffin TV. The rest of the videos are found in the playlist linked in the description for this video.


The Apostle Paul, writing to the Galatians, writes this, “If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed.” (Galatians 1:9, ESV) Here’s the testimony of a former New Age teacher who God has convicted of her sin, and who has truly repented and been saved by faith in Christ. She illustrates what Paul says really well about any other ‘gospel’, which is not the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.


We are about to begin a new sermon/reflection series in Paul’s letter to the Galatians, starting with this week’s reflection video. You might like to watch this video that gives an introduction and overview of the letter in advance. You might also like to read the whole letter of Galatians in one setting too.


We all need some joy in the midst of this very different Advent and Christmas season. Here’s The Petersons singing the well loved carol, ‘Joy to the world’!


Time for some great Advent carols!


This is a hard saying: Salvation is found in Jesus Christ alone. However, it is not a message of bigotry or intolerance, but rather a message of hope.

Ephesians 4:26 says, “Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger”, but what does Paul mean by this. In this video Justin Peters shows us not only what it doesn’t mean, but challenges us with what it really does mean.

God says to his people, ‘Be Holy, for I am Holy’. (Leviticus 11:44) What is holiness, and what does it look like in practise? Here’s a short video from Paul Washer exploring this, and explaining just how crucial holiness truly is.

What is the Gospel and how do we share it with people? Really great short video from Dr Voddie Baucham.

Here’s a really good video looking at why ALL Scripture (particularly the letters of Paul in the New Testament) is inspired by God, and is our primary authority as Christians in all matters of life and faith.

Here’s a helpful video from Alistair Begg showing us how to read and study the Bible for ourselves.

At this difficult and troubling time it’s so important to trust in Jesus. This beautiful version of the older hymn ‘Tis so sweet’ encourages us to trust in the Saviour of the world now and forever.

Jesus tells us not to love the world, but what does that really mean, and what does it look like to obey this command? Paul Washer addresses this important idea in the video below.

Here’s the seventh, and final, mark of an effective church: continuous evangelism, courtesy of Alistair Begg.

Here’s part six of Alistair Begg’s series on the marks of an effective church. We are to be a worshiping community!

Characteristic number 5 of an effective church: Mutual care.

Prayer: the fourth characteristic of an effective church. A short video with Alistair Begg

Here’s the third part of Alistair Begg’s series of videos looking at the essential characteristics of church life. In this video he looks at the sacraments (or ordinances) - I.e. baptism and communion.

Here’s the second video from Alistair Begg looking at seven characteristics of the Church. This time it’s fellowship

There are certain things for which we, the Church, should be known. Alistair Begg explores seven characteristics in a series of short videos. Here’s part 1, focusing on the Apostles’ teaching

Ever wondered what it means to pray in Jesus’ name? Here’s a really short, really helpful video on this question.

Lovely simple video about how to pray from Pastor David Skull from Grace Church, Guildford.

Voddie Baucham preaches from Ephesians chapter 2, and what the Bible has to say about racial reconciliation:


Do you sometimes question the relaibility of the bible?  Here's a real good short video, defending the truth of the Scriptures by RC Sproul.


Here’s a really helpful short video from Justin Peters talking about how our knowledge of God and love for God need to go together.

New thought provoking song from poet and URC minister Lucy Berry.


A quick encouraging thought on how we as Christians can respond to the global pandemic that is COVID-19


Here’s something a bit meatier and in depth that you might want to watch. In this video Chris Rosebrough talks about the central Christian teaching (doctrine) of the Trinity. It’s about 1 hour and 20 minutes long, but is highly recommended. Chris explores a number of heresies that arose in the early Centuries of the Church as people misunderstood the Trinity. He helps us to properly understand that God is one God in three persons.


Here’s some encouraging thoughts for this tough time of staying at home from Joni Erickson Tada.


All next week (Monday 13th to Friday 17th April there will be free broadcasts of worship and teaching sessions that would have been taking place during the annual Spring Harvest events. Here’s the link to a YouTube video explaining what’s coming up:

And here’s a web link to the programme of sessions on the Spring Harvest website:

The deeper Bible teaching sessions at 11.30am on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday with Malcolm Duncan are recommended by Fred.


A really encouraging reflection on Psalm 124 today with Pastor David Skull of Grace Church Guildford.


Here’s a free book to download that encourages us to pray through the Psalms.


Another really encouraging hymn that reminds us that we can bring our concerns and worries to God in prayer. What a friend we have in Jesus!


Hope that helps.
A new article from the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity (LICC) that tries to give us some Christian perspective at this time of national lockdown. Hope you find this helpful.


Here’s a good solid daily devotional video from Grace Church in Guildford. If you’re into YouTube definitely worth watching and subscribing to the channel. They will be sharing a daily Bible Reading, reflection and prayer every day. My (Fred) intention is to produce at least a weekly video and printed reflection, but may well look at doing more if people would find it helpful?

God bless you all at this troubling time.

Daily Psalm 18 March 2020

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