1814 - 2014 Celebrating 200 years
Allerton Congregational Church
The church congregation meet for worship at 10:30am every Sunday.
Our weekly service sheet continues to be provided on the Weekly Services Page.
Fellowship Group meets every Thursday at 12:30.
Ladies Circle Meetings will be held on the First Friday in the month at 1pm
Allerton Congregational Church, Allerton Road, Bradford celebrated its 200th Anniversary in 2014. The church is situated at the corner of Garforth Street and Allerton Road adjacent to Beckfoot Allerton Primary Academy and opposite the shopping precinct, there is ample car parking and facilities for the disabled.
You might also like to join our lunchtime fellowship group which meets for an hour from 12:30pm every Thursday. All you need to bring is a light lunch we will provide a hot drink, a warm welcome and good fellowship. We are keen to welcome new members from the local Allerton community, from other churches in the area and from further afield. Half an hour of friendly banter is followed by a more serious bible based discussion.
If you are looking to try church, move church or reconnect with church Allerton Congregational Church is ready to offer you a warm welcome.